Sunday, December 15, 2013

Thank You

To  +Geoff Rasmussen +DearMYRTLE  +Russ Worthington  +Jen Baldwin +Judy Russell +Lisa Louise Cooke +Christa Cowen +Marian Pierre-Louis also there are more of you on Twitter, blogs, and other social media...  I've decided to move from hobby to the next step.  I've delved into books, podcasts, webinars, you tube, google hang outs, and my favorite #genchat

I look forward to continuing learning, and enter the "certification preparedness" classes after #rootstech2014. Thank you all for everything, and look forward to more!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Lost in the document trail

I like this phrase  #Lostinthedocumenttrail. It was on +Who Do You Think You Are? last night.  It's a nice way of saying hitting a #brickwall

 I'm currently lost and in the virtual woods of Northern RI looking for my Native American 4xG-Grandparents Benomi (Benjamin) Lippit died Lincoln 9/6/1891 parents Ceasar & Robie Coffee Lippitt are listed on the death register.  I can't find any information on them or the birth of his wife Nancy Coffee Lippitt died 12/29/1873; Their other son Emery Lippit died 8/8/1875 (age 24);
They are the parents of my 3xG-Grandfather Ernest E Lippitt who passed away Sept 21, 1916 (see the previous post). any help would be appreciated.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Small Town Death Records - 5 different family member's one page

I found a page from 1916 Death Records for Town North Providence Rhode Island, trying to decide which family to folder to file it in.  Looking at the page, there were no notes to specifically why I was pulling the information.  Now I know why... there are 5 persons on this one page. My great x3 grandmother (Taylor) and great 4x father (Lippit), as well as now a relation to my grandfather (Deluca); Then add two different Angell cousins for my husband's side.  I think I'm leaving it on my side.  Thought it was an interesting find.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


This is what I have to organize and begin again, after 3 moves including house fire, and a robbery in the last 5 years. Now in the last couple of months both the server and the laptop crashed. I have begun again to organize my files, which contain many scorched pages. At least I have the hard copies in plastic page protectors now. My original digital files were destroyed, and the fireproof safe didn’t save anything L  With hundreds of pages to sort through I am beginning again, putting the files onto a virtual server this time!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Angell Genealogy by Avery Angell

This is a book written by Avery Angell.  I recently stumbled upon it, and knew it was out there but didn't know where, or what it contained.  The genealogist that assisted my Aunt in writing researching her Angell Genealogy used excerpts from that book.  I find the first few pages of the book very similar to many of today challenges.  This book was written in 1871.  He mentioned that not many people in the family kept really good records, as well as there were some that were not kept at all.  You ask yourself why?  Why not tell your families story.  I think that this boils down to some of the same brick walls we all have today.  Was it a family secret?  Have you ever found that family secret???  Personally I would like to borrow Doc Brown's Delorean and punch in a few dates and view the past.  Wouldn't we all ???

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Thank You Geneablogger's!

Thank you to for adding me!

Thank you for all the wonderful comments.  More information will be following on hopefully sharing some of my family history.  Things I've learned, as well as brick walls, and questions   Happy Blogging!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

blogging request submitted

So like any blogger you have to get back into the technology community.  I put in a request to be added to and hope they add me.

Some know why I've re-started over again..what's crazy about technology is what it doesn't tell you.  It doesn't say, she is joining multiple user groups like helping organizing your genealogy, technology genealogy, and hoping to recruit her son whom does website building.  Just seems when it comes to organized thoughts and idea's about what I want it's a bit more disorganized.

I try to gather alot of everything, which is not always bad, because after the fire, I found pages that I didn't know I had; I thought they were destroyed.  Ironing the mold, and the scorched pages to make out my great aunts handwriting are things I have and will cherish.

The blog, well I'm doing my best.  Learning to put information out there that is both useful to myself as well as anyone else in line looking for it.

Happy blogging...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mastering Genealogical Proof Delivered Today


Dear Myrtle is running a class about the Mastering Genealogical Proof book.  It's a +google site, since I won't be able to do the class online interactively so I'll just take the class at my own pace.  My book arrived today, and I've downloaded the schedules and finding out going back to class is difficult merge my calendar with the class one.  Oh well, teaching an "old" dog new trick?  LOL  not old, just out of practice.  Thank Mrs Myrtle for the class.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

WOW find... or UGH find ???

Going though some old files, I found a 3.5 in green floppy disc.  Yup a whopping 1.44mb floppy disc.  I don’t have a computer that view the data, what else is in the file.  I find the notes from a research trip from January 2006.  In the file are copies of misc death certificates, notes about missing headstones and plots of children that had passed away too early. A few notes about the missing bits of road blocks which I had long since forgotten about.  Now to find someone who had a working 3.5 floppy.  Off to texting and facebooking and social media I go.  Within a short period of time, I have a couple of possibilities….  Let’s hope the disc that has survived the house fire, has some wonderful information on it.

Find a Grave

This website is quite interesting.  It features multiple things for the researching genealogy. Things that I like, if I find someone whom is not there, I can add them. Then add them to a virtual cemetery for my family.  Then if someone would like to leave virtual flowers or a memorial they may do so.  The one thing I do not like is if the information is already there, then the person that put it there could have put misinformation on it, or incomplete information.  Keeping in mind you can request to “submit an edit request” if they are an aunt/uncle or cousin or more than a couple generation grandparent.  If that person is a relative and meets the one or two steps of a guideline requests the person that is handling the item has the option to transfer it to you. They don’t have to, because they “own” the information.  This is frustrating, because for me for the longest time, I’ve tried to keep the virtual closeness of my extended family private.  Now with technology being what it is, it’s awesome and scary at the same time.  I find myself in a pickle, do I start putting everyone into these sites, so no one else does it? So I can be like the hoarder of information like others?  Or work within the rules, and ask and hope that the request is honored?  What do you think? 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Help with Arthur Daniel Wheeler & Rhonda Rebecca Fanning Wheeler

Where’s Arthur’s Father, When did Arthur die? Where did he meet Rhonda Rebecca Fanning? Where and when did she die?
Facts: Arthur Daniel Wheeler born July 18,1866 in Wheelock, Parents:Vermont to Sarah L Wheeler of Wheelock, Daniel Wheeler, Farmer. Married Rhonda Rebecca Fanning – October 27, 1890, Rhode Island
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Thomas Angell

Thomas Angell, the progenitor of the Angell family in America, was born in England 1618. There is but a little knowledge of this parentage. As late as the year 1870, he was the ancestor of almost all of the Angell’s in the U.S. with the exception of the comparatively few families of that name which had emigrated since his time, from various countries in Europe.

Not bad for a “servant/hired man” of the age 13 who came to the new world in 1631 with Roger Williams from London to Boston on the ship “Lion”. Then following Roger Williams and helping become part of what is now The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.

This came from a family genealogy and part from Avery Angell's Genealogy

Blogging again

It amazing how many times you can start and restart a project because it's not just quite right. Here we go again...  Let's see if this time is the charm.